If I could give you one thing in life.

Life passes us by so quickly, and I woke up this morning to a “quote” on Facebook by some unknown that I really had to share.

“If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.”

As much as it applies to loved ones, it is why I love photographing so much too.  People in general are so unaware of how beautiful they are, and how other people actually see them.  As does everyone else, some days I wake up feeling a bit ugly and yucky, other days we feel ok or don’t even think about it.  A few days we feel amazing here and there.  But I think if we all actually had a chance to see ourselves how others see us we would have so much more confidence in who we are and how amazing we actually look to other people.

So when I photograph you, that is what I’m looking for… I way to give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes.  Because you are special.Image