PHOTOS in the love of food.

Muy Bueno Cookbook – available now at Barnes & Noble bookstores and online at

Food photography is an amazing thing that draws the viewers and makes them say yum… or not.  Do any of you have one or more cookbooks sitting on your shelf?  Now how many recipes have you actually made that DIDN’T have a corresponding photo?

It’s the law of averages – the more  photos that tell the viewer that it looks good to eat – the more likely they will come back to look at your blog, the more likely they will post it on their social media pages, and the more images they see they like in a cookbook… the more likely they will buy it.   There are a lot of wonderful chiefs out there, but some of us are just average mom, spouses, or even bachelor(ettes) that really just want to be able to cook a recipe without too much effort and make it look good.  Being able to compare what you have prepared from a recipe to a photo in a book can be the pat on the back you need to know you did it right.

I’ve been photographing small products and food for over two decades and how can I help but love it when someone looks at a food photo and you can see them with a slight hunger twinge in their tummy for it.

That being said… it’s time to spruce up your blogs and websites.  Why not push your food blog to the next level – and make it look as good as it tastes? Let me help you with your food blogs or cookbooks to be and make people drool.  For details please contact me at for a brochure and options for making your blog pop!



The FEED Zone

CRAVE Denver

MUY BUENO Cookbook





Recipes that feature products from IMUSA and Avocados from Mexico





Going for the EPIC wedding shots.

After you have been photographing in the wedding business for a few years you will discover, like any other art I would imagine, you ride waves.  Once you get to a certain level of photographic skill you have to maintain that level – which sometimes is harder than getting there to begin with.  I love that the connections that I have made over the years photographing weddings allow me the opportunity to find specific vendors that I absolutely click with.  You share a vision of making every shoot great, and are always reaching for that epic image in your art.

I stepped back from inspiration shoots for some time.  I was busy with my business and then kids came along and found less and less time.  These past three years I’ve made a point of setting aside a few dates a year for pure inspiration and going after those Epic images that make me love photography so much.  It is a rush getting done with a well set shoot knowing you have already fallen in love with an image or more.  As much as I like posting images on Facebook ASAP because as a team everyone is excited and I like to keep that excitement going…. I typically hold back a bit on my favorite.   Ok… well, maybe not so much – holding back for me is a couple of days.

So – that being said – here is my favorite from this past week.  I fell in love with it – and hope you do too.

Thank you to Isabelle for orchestrating the shoot entirely (Isabelle Kline Design) – you allow me the freedom at our shoots to create and that gives me more love for my work.  Yana Jones – absolutely amazing model and beautiful person inside out.  Danielle Banfield (Blushing Bride) – you make me smile and I’m so happy that you have helped me in so many of my inspirations by trusting that regardless of the dirt or grime I get on your beautiful gowns we make beautiful images because of your dresses.  Samantha Koch (LadyCharm Artistry) – working with you has been a pure pleasure – I love everything you do for hair and make-up, you are the complete package and my #1 – happy that I met you.

I’m also grateful for inspiring places that we have in Colorado (Ribbons n Rainbows in this case) – and the beautiful skies that come with living in this majestic state.

Muy Bueno Photographer

Muy Bueno Photographer.

via Muy Bueno Photographer.

Muy Bueno Photographer

January 24, 2012

Who is our photographer? Have you noticed the majority of our photographs are pretty darn beautiful? I honestly wish I could take credit for them, but I can’t. In the beginning when I had this crazy cookbook/blog idea my talented photographer friend, Jeanine suggested she photograph our dishes. Sheesh! Talk about an amazing offer. I jumped on that offer so fast and Muy Bueno emerged. The photography on our site is what thankfully has caught the eye of many and for that we are eternally grateful to Jeanine.

Jeanine has taken pictures of my family for years, and even traveled with us to Mexico to photograph our destination wedding in Playa del Carmen.

My sister Veronica fell in love with her work too.

Here is one of my favorite pictures of mom, Veronica, and I last year during one of our holiday photo shoots.

She is an amazing photographer, friend, and now is more like familia. We truly love her and her family.

We love that she has a passion for Mexico just as much as we do. Throughout this post you’ll see photos from her recent family vacation to Todos Santos, Mexico. Her photography never ceases to amaze us.

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Jeanine Thurston, our amazingly beautiful photographer in every sense of the word. She has a wicked sense of humor, loves Mexican food as much as we do, and has the ability to capture the essence of her photographic subjects, whether it is a wedding, portrait, fashion, or food. We love everything she captures. Who is Jeanine Thurston? Now let’s get to know the women behind the camera shall we.

How long have you been a photographer?

I’ve been photographing since I was a kid…with my first camera I purchased by selling greeting cards, of all things. Professionally I photographed my first wedding when I was 17 years old while still in high school. I then went off to college where I pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts & Photography, simultaneously working for a photography studio while attending college. I started my own business in 1992. So, it is hard to count ~ but professionally I’ve been photographing for 24+ years. Still love it.

What inspired you to become a photographer?

I’ve always been interested in the arts and was an oil painter first. Photography was something I could do and combine it with my love of being around people. While I always admired works from people like Ansel Adams, I really did it more for the pleasure I got out of photographing (and still do). But what pushed me was when I was taking photography into a local pro-lab and the owner came out one day and said “have you ever thought about doing this for a living?” It was really the first time it crossed my mind that I could actually do what I loved most and support myself with it. It was a huge trigger, that I immediately joined the local professional photography groups and Professional Photographers of America and started making more contacts in the professional community. I have to give a huge credit to Lenny Dixon who was one of the top wedding pros at the time for taking me under his wing and teaching me everything ~ and giving me the confidence that I needed to make it all happen.

How did you begin working with the Muy Bueno trio?

I photographed Yvette’s daughter Maya when she was only a year old, and Yvette’s wedding and well ~ you tend to just fall in love with her whole family. But I actually saw a post where Yvette mentioned something about a cookbook and I immediately said ~ “Let’s do it!” I love Mexican food enough as it is…and well ~ their food is amazing. Besides…they feel like family to me now, it is all too exciting to see this cookbook all come together.

Do you have a favorite Muy Bueno recipe you photographed?

This is a trick question I’m sure. There are way too many to narrow down…let’s see:guacamoletacos, and well ~ every single drink they ever make. This is from someone that really hardly ever drinks. Seriously though…I couldn’t pick just one.

If you weren’t a photographer, what would you be?

I have been a photographer for so long; it is really hard to imagine what I would be without it. Of course I love working with children and a child psychologist is what I also went to school for. But, I love traveling and spending time with my kids the most.

When not photographing how do you spend your time?

I love movies, traveling (Mexico in particular), spending time in the mountains, and above all spending time with my two sons.

Any fun up and coming projects you’d like to mention?

2011 was filled with so many projects, including another cookbook I photographed called The Feed Zone Cookbook, and I also had the pleasure of working on a couple of bridal inspiration shoots. It has been so much fun.

2012 projects will be dedicating my time to Muy Bueno of course in addition to my portrait and wedding photography business, and preparing and photographing for a book I’m working on that is two years down the road. I’m not passing out too many details yet ~ but excited about getting things in the works.

Thanks Jeanine and be sure to check out Jeanine’s blog.

Mexico – 2012.

Dreamy sunsets almost every night - it's a great way to wind down in the evening.

I’ve been traveling to Mexico to photograph weddings for about 10+ years – I only remember this because this past year I had to re-new my passport!lol  But, in all seriousness… as much as I love photographing weddings in Mexico – it doesn’t always leave much (if any) time for exploring.  However, I have spent some time in and around Cabo/Todo Santos area – mainly because we have family that live in Todo Santos.

Jill Logan's Gallery located in the heart of Todo Santos

I wanted to take a minute to “plug” the Todo Santos area for a few reasons.  One reason is that it “feels” like Mexico to me.  You drive into town and it looks as it may have looked 80 years ago.  The restaurants are open air – no air-conditioning, the dogs are wandering the streets.  You drive by sheep & cattle along some dirt roads close to town.  There are plenty of “taco stands” around every corner.  Just on the far side of town –

Fun shopping the "Mexican sweets"

I always look forward to visiting the Dolceria for some sweets & pastries.  On the weekends they have a little market with fresh hand-made tamales and sometimes some sausages and meats for sale… along with some arts/jewelry.  It is also becoming quite the artists’ town – with galleries all over the little town.

Fresh tamales at the open market - worth getting up and heading out to on the weekends!

From quiet beaches with not another person in sight, to Pescadaro close by where the surf is amazing.

So if you happen to want to go somewhere that isn’t “all-inclusive” – but relatively easy to get to for some great food at Cafe Santa fe, see some amazing art, and get the Western Mexico feeling – I encourage you to make it a destination.  Besides, the tortillas, tamales, and yummy treats they will whip up for you will keep you coming back.

Ok… well – if you think this sounds too cut off – it doesn’t have to be.  There is an amazing little cafe on the edge of town with wifi, and only a short drive from Pescadaro for an internet cafe as well.  But don’t expect a TV in your hotel…. not many have them – but don’t be afraid, there is always plenty to explore and do with your time!

Catch a latte and a little wi-fi to catch up with reality back home.

Here is a great site that gives you more information about Todo Santos.