Left-overs for lunch.

Owning your own business, having a family with two children and a dog – I finally got a day home today and although I’m working like crazy, I’ve also been fighting to NOT get something to eat.  Ok, it’s brunch time I guess and I refuse to leave the house just to go to the store so the search for odds and ends to make a quick lunch ended like this:

2 whole wheat tortillas

1/2 of a fresh jalapeño pepper diced

4 sweet potato tots, thawed and mashed

Sharp cheddar cheese shredded

Mexican crumble cheese

1 slice of ham diced (leftovers from dinner last night)

Load one tortilla with all the fixins, and put it under the broiler for 1 minute then pop the other tortilla on top and watch it close… brown a little (about 1 minute) and boom… done – half way healthy and took 5 minutes


Now… back to my computer and editing!