In honor of all moms out there.

You are a mom, maybe a wife, you are the glue of your family.  You climb mountains for your family – and for that – we thank you.


Tell a mom today “Thank you,” I love you, and give her a hug if you can.

Keep in mind mother’s day is coming up soon, but that is only 1 day out of 365 each year that she is working hard because she loves her family.  

Make her feel extra special whenever you can.


Wonder woman’s job

buy stamps
pay house payments
stock bathroom with toilet paper
stock rooms with tissue
clean sheets
make beds with clean sheets
vacuum carpets
pay water bills
tidy up every room every day
set up play dates
drive kids to music lessons
plan parties and celebrations
notice when you need new clothes
shop for new clothes
recycle old clothes
dust furniture
plan menu for the month
make shopping lists
buy groceries
put groceries away
keep lists of groceries we need
rotate food storage
clean litterbox
clean fishtank
replace shower curtains
sweep and mop floors
pay allowance
take you to library
organize toys and games
pay power and gas bills
put gas in car
pay car insurance bill
schedule dentist and doctor appts.
drive you to doctor appointments
wait with you through doctor appts.
plan fun excursions
make packing lists for trips
buy plane tickets for vacations
sort dirty laundry
wash dirty laundry
dry clean laundry
fold clean laundry
put away clean laundry
fill empty water bottles
turn off lights you’ve left on
open/close windows to keep house cool
plant garden
water garden
weed garden
water lawn
rake leaves
pick fruit from garden
notice when you need new shoes
shop for new shoes for you
recycle your old shoes
organize medicine and first air stuff
buy dental hygiene items
keep memorabilia of your life
take photos of your life
edit and print photos of your life
clean bathrooms
find petsitter when we go away
feed cats


feed fish
buy birthday gifts for you and others
wrap gifts
make jam
clip your nails
make desserts
make dinner
make breakfast
make lunch
clean up after meals
set the table
make bread or rolls
take you to the beach
help you take care of your body
renew your library books
work in the office
pay cable bills
pay phone bills
reserve campgrounds for you
notice when you need new pillow
buy you a new pillow (or mattress cover)
find a babysitter for you
write thank you notes on your behalf
put money into your college savings acct.
email your teachers
help you write talks
help you with homework
help out in your school classroom
organize and maintain 72-hour kits
make cookies
take you shopping to spend your money
remove wallpaper/paint rooms
make vacation books
reserve rental car for vacations
notice when you need new backpack
buy you a new backpack/lunchbox/etc.
read books to you
take trash out
put in new garbage bag
pack lunches
prepare after school snack
walk you to school
pick you up school
pay preschool tuition
pay health insurance bill
pay dental insurance bill
buy new cat/fish food and litter
run errands
mend your clothes/blankets
take pets to vet annually
help you plan Halloween costume
prepare Christmas lists
print Christmas cards
write and mail Christmas cards
put money in savings every month
keep your bedroom organized
sort through and donate things
reduce reuse and recycle
take you to playgrounds
arrange for you to visit museums
chaperone your field trips


After this she may also work a regular job too.


This is the short list to be honest…